Our efforts for sustainability
Environmental Consideration
Our responsibility as a manufacturer
Environmental problem especially about global warming is regarded as one of the most important points in 17 goals and 169 targets of SDGs*.
*The 2030 Agenda in order to eradicate poverty and realize a sustainable world, adopted by the United Nations in September 2015.
The goals; "conserve the ocean" and "combat climate change" are defined in SDGs.
Although water is essential resource for all, but 9% of world population cannot reach clean water as of 2015. In terms of climate change and global warming caused greenhouse gas, global average surface temperature warmed by 0.85°C between 1880-2012 and also the sea level raised by 0.19m between 1901-2010. The ocean pollution issue is getting worse and 4.8 to 12.7 million MT of plastic waste discarded improperly leaked to the ocean in 2010.
Forest degradation effects ecological change. According to the list of 2016, 23,928 species are threatened with extinction, increased 600 species since 2015.
On the other hand, close to 1.6 billion people in the world depend on forest for their livelihood.
As a responsibility of a company, we promote 4 activities regarding consideration for environment.

Our efforts for sustainability
Educational Opportunity Support
For company’s growth, managers learn, employees learn.
Company's growth is brought by employees' effort and growth. KANTO MFG. CORP. offers employees the opportunity to learn useful contacts both for employees and companies.
For example, we have coaching training for managers. Managers have responsibility to achieve their Dept.'s goal. For achieving Dept.'s goals, each Dept. member has to achieve their own goals by themselves. So, we prepare the trainings which show how managers motivate their members to achieve their goals. we believe managers should learn and grow at first.
For foreign staff, we support them to commute to Japanese school in order to aquire Japanese language. When entering a dorm, we support them to teach Japanese and living practices including purchasing necessary goods, guiding nearby the dorm. There are online educational support systems such as seminars to introduce technical know-how.
These are just a little bit of our educational opportunity and we will focus on a various field of "education".

Our efforts for sustainability
Our Ideal Company
Our efforts for workforce diversity and inclusion
We always think about "what we can do for SDGs." On that we will do whatever possible to do for SGDs. Japanese society has finally become to treat men and women equally recent years, there are still have room for improvement.
When we think about gender equality, we have still many differences such as "expectation,""responsibility," "opportunity of decision making," "wage" and so on.
However, if we turn our attention to the world, we can find great ideas to solve issues. In German"quota system of Women," a policy requiring that a specified number or percentage of women be hired as managers, was enacted, while in Finland, parents can take each parental leave for 164 days. Japanese government published ”the Act on Promotion of Women's and Advancement in the Workplace in Japan" which states the government will lead various kinds of infrastructure construction for women.
We now consider all kinds of approaching methods to workforce diversity and inclusion, such as promoting the employment of women/disability, creating an environment where elderly people can participate and so on.